POm correlates with arousal and movement regardless of conditioning.
a, Pupil and whisker tracking. Top left: Example frame from an eye video with the edge of the pupil highlighted in green. Top Right: A sample trace of pupil radius over time (gray: raw; green: smoothed). Bottom Left: Example frame from a whisker video with whiskers highlighted in green. Bottom Right: Example trace of whisker angle over time (gray) and the most protracted and retracted whisker positions over each whisk cycle (green), which is used to compute whisking amplitude. b, Whisking amplitude and pupil radius aligned to stimuli in tactilely conditioned mice (n=11 mice, left column) and visually conditioned mice (n=11 mice, right column). Top row: Pupil radius of each mouse aligned to either the air puff (blue) or the drifting grating (red) (Z-scored, mean+/-SEM). Bottom row: Whisking amplitude of each mouse aligned to the two stimuli (mean+/-SEM). Gray regions indicate stimulus timing. c, Cross-correlations between POm activity and pupil radius (top), whisking amplitude (middle), and lick rate (bottom). Light gray: Cells from tactilely conditioned mice (mean +/-SEM, n=347 cells, 11 mice). Dark gray: Cells from visually conditioned mice (n=257, 11 mice). Negative lags indicate that POm activity precedes the movement variable and positive lag indicates that POm activity follows the movement variable. d, Movement-corrected firing rates. The firing rate of each cell was fit to a linear model with whisking, licking, pupil radius, and baseline rate as predictors. Model residuals of all cells (mean+/-SEM) are aligned to the drifting grating and the air puff, as in B. e, Box plot of the model residuals of each POm cell during the first second of stimulus onset (“stimulus period”), and during the first two seconds post-stimulus (“offset period”), the same time windows as in 3g and 3h. Adjusted firing rates in tactilely conditioned mice were significantly higher during the air puff stimulus period than the drifting grating period. (Two-way ANOVA with post-hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Conditioning type F=4.23, p=0.04; stimulus type F= 68.2, p<0.001; interaction F=38.5, p<0.001; tactile conditioning Wilcoxon p<0.001; visual conditioning Wilcoxon p=0.09). In visually conditioned mice, adjusted firing rates were higher during the drifting grating offset period than the air puff offset period. (conditioning F=0.003, p=0.95; stimulus F=3.9, p=0.048; interaction F=9.45, p=0.002; tactile conditioning Wilcoxon p=0.94, visual conditioning p<0.001).