Noncanonical roles of ATG5 and membrane atg8ylation in retromer assembly and function

ATG5 interacts with retromer.
(A) ATG5 functions. X, a postulated additional function. (B) 2D scatter plot (log2 fold changes; color coded p value cutoff matrix for comparisons between samples as per the lookup table) of proximity biotinylation LC/MS/MS datasets: FlpIn-HeLaAPEX2-ATG5-WT cells (X-axis) and FlpIn-HeLaAPEX2-ATG5-K130R (Y-axis) treated with 2 mM LLOMe for 30 min ratioed vs. HeLaAPEX2-ATG5-WT without LLOMe treatment (Ctrl). Coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) analyses and quantification of VPS26A (C), VPS29 (D), and VPS35 (E) interaction with ATG5 in HeLa cells treated with or without 2 mM LLOMe for 30 min. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); unpaired t-test; p values indicated above the bars.
Figure 1—source data 1
PDF files containing original immunoblots for Figure 1 indicating relevant bands.
Figure 1—source data 2
Original files for immunoblots displayed in Figure 1.
Figure 1—source data 3
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Cornell model of M. tuberculosis latent infection in mice and effects of Atg5 loss in myeloid lineage on disease reactivation.
(A) Summary of mice mortality data in infection model of active Mtb infection (aerosol) based on survival curves in Wang et al., 2023 (B) Details and timeline of the Cornell latency model experiments (see narrative in Methods). (C) Effects of Atg5 loss on spontaneous reactivation of M. tuberculosis infection in Atg5fl/fl Lyz2Cre mice (conditional knockout of Atg5 in myeloid lineage) vs. Atg5fl/fl (Lyz2Cre-negative control) mice. Mice were infected with an aerosol of M. tuberculosis (initial deposition, 100–120 CFUs per lung). After a period of 2.5 weeks, initial bacterial growth was assessed by determining lung CFUs (triangles), mice were treated PO with antibiotics (0.1 g/l INH and 0.15 g/l RIF in drinking water) for 8 weeks, bacterial clearance after chemotherapy assessed by determining lung CFUs (open circles), and remaining mice subjected to antibiotic washout for 7 weeks plus spontaneous reactivation period with no treatment of 3 weeks at which time the mice were sacrificed and lung CFUs determined by plating (filled circles). Data and statistics for spontaneous reactivation: means, †p ≥ 0.05, t-test; n = 8 mice per group. (D) Cornell murine model of M. tuberculosis latent infection and dexamethasone (DXM) induced reactivation and effects of Atg5 loss in myeloid lineage of Atg5fl/fl LysM-Cre+ mice (vs. Atg5fl/fl LysM-Cre− control mice). Mice were infected with M. tuberculosis aerosols (initial lung deposition 100–120 CFUs), bacteria allowed to replicate in vivo, mice subjected to antibiotic regimen, followed by antibiotic washout period, after which immunosuppression with DXM was carried out to reactivate infection/bacterial replication (details in Methods). Data, CFU’s per mouse lungs (means ± SE, t-test, n = 10 mice per group).

ATG5 interactome analysis.
(A) Volcano plot of proximity biotinylation LC–MS/MS interactome comparing FlpIn-HeLaAPEX2-ATG5-WT treated with or without 2 mM LLOMe for 30 min. Diameter of symbols reflects relative number of unique peptides identified. (B) Volcano plot of proximity biotinylation LC–MS/MS interactome comparing FlpIn-HeLaAPEX2-ATG5-K130R treated with 2 mM LLOMe for 30 min and FlpIn-HeLaAPEX2-ATG5-WT without LLOMe treatment. (C) VPS proteins in the MS DIA data. (D) VPS proteins identified here compared to VPS proteins in Baines et al., 2022. (E) Table: Control MS data (APEX2-SGALS1) for comparison with data in panel C; note no increase in retromer subunits with LLOMe treatment in the APEX1-SGALS1 dataset.

Retromer affects lysosomal sensitivity to damage.
(A, B) High content microscopy (HCM) imaging and quantification of Gal3 response (puncta/cell of endogenous Gal3 profiles stained for immunofluorescence) in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells subjected to lysosomal damage by Leu-Leu-O-Me ester hydrobromide (LLOMe; 2 mM, 30 min). HCM, an unbiased machine-driven image acquisition and data analysis based on presets of >500 valid primary objects/cells per well (representative images shown; white mask, cell; red masks, Gal3 puncta), with a minimum of 5 wells per sample (sampling error), and n ≥ 3, independent biological replicates (experimental error) in separate 96-well plates. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (C, D) Complementation analysis of VPS35KO LyHYP (lysosome hypersensitivity) phenotype monitored by HCM quantification of Gal3 puncta in HeLaVPS35-KO cells transfected with GFP (control) or GFP-VPS35 expressing plasmids. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (E, F) Comparative HCM analysis of ubiquitin (immunofluorescence; FK2 antibody) response to lysosomal damage (LLOMe; 2 mM, 30 min) in HeLaATG5-KO and HeLaVPS35-KO cells. Yellow profiles, colocalization of ubiquitin and LAMP1. Top panels, ubiquitin immunostaining alone. Data, means ± SE (n = 4), two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (G, H) HCM quantification of ALIX localization to endolysosomal compartments (% of LAMP1 profiles positive for ALIX immunostaining) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells following lysosomal damage. Yellow profiles, colocalization of ALIX and LAMP1. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line/condition.
Figure 2—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Retromer affects a subset of responses to lysosomal damage.
(A, B) High content microscopy (HCM) imaging and quantification of LC3 (puncta/cell of immunofluorescently stained endogenous LC3 profiles) in HeLaWT, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells in response to lysosomal damage by LLOMe. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (C, D) HCM analysis of ubiquitin (immunofluorescence; FK2 antibody) response to lysosomal damage (LLOMe; 1 mM, 2 hr) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Yellow profiles, colocalization of ubiquitin and LAMP1. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (E, F) HCM quantification of ALIX localization to endolysosomal compartments (% of LAMP1 profiles positive for ALIX immunostaining) in HeLaWT and HeLaVPS35-KO cells following lysosomal damage. Yellow profiles, colocalization of ALIX and LAMP1. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line/condition.
Figure 2—figure supplement 1—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graph.

ATG5 affects sorting of the retromer cargo GLUT1.
(A) Coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) analysis of endogenous ATG5 with GFP-VPS35 or YFP-VPS29 (transient transfection). (B) Reverse co-IP analysis GFP-VPS35 or YFP-VPS29 (transient transfection) and endogenous ATG5. Note that different antibodies were used in panels A and B: ab108327 (Abcam) recognizing preferentially the conjugated form of ATG5 and abASA-B0113 (Novateinbio), recognizing both conjugated and unconjugated ATG5. (C) Confocal images illustrating localization of GLUT1 and LAMP2 in Huh7WT, Huh7VPS35-KO, and Huh7ATG5-KO cells. Scale bar, 10 μm. High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of GLUT1 (endogenous protein immunostaining) puncta/cell (D) and GLUT1 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) (E) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 6); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (F, G) HCM quantification of GLUT1-SNX27 overlap (% of SNX7 area positive for GLUT1) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (H, I) Immunoblot analysis and quantification of proteins in lysosomes purified/enriched by LysoIP (immunoisolation with TMEM192-3xHA) from Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. TMEM192-2xFLAG, negative control. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in panel F, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line.
Figure 3—source data 1
PDF files containing original immunoblots for Figure 3 indicating relevant bands.
Figure 3—source data 2
Original files for immunoblots displayed in Figure 3.
Figure 3—source data 3
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Membrane atg8ylation regulates retromer function.
(A) Immunoblots of CRISPR KOs: (i) ATG3, ATG5, and ATG7 in Huh7 cells; (ii) VPS35 in Huh7 cells; (iii) ATG5 in HeLa cells; and (iv) VPS35 in Hela cells. High content microscopy (HCM) images (example form a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and processed images containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells) of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) puncta/cell (B) and GLUT1 colocalization with LAMP2 in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells (C). Scale bar, 20 μm. (D, E) HCM quantification of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) puncta/cell in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (F, G) HCM quantification of GLUT1 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (H) Confocal images illustrating localization of GLUT1 and LAMP2 in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 10 μm. (I, J) HCM quantification of GLUT1-SNX27 overlap (% of SNX7 area positive for GLUT1) in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 4); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line.
Figure 3—figure supplement 1—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Membrane atg8ylation apparatus affects sorting of the retromer cargo GLUT1.
(A, B) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of GLUT1 (endogenous protein immunostaining) puncta/cell in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG3-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, Huh7ATG7-KO, Huh7ATG16L1-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (C, D) HCM quantification of GLUT1 (endogenous protein immunostaining) colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG3-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, Huh7ATG7-KO, Huh7ATG16L1-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (E, F) HCM quantification of GLUT1 (endogenous protein immunostaining) colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) in HeLaWT, and HeLaHexa-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line.
Figure 4—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

ATG5 knockout has no effect on protein levels of retromer subunits.
Immunoblot analysis (A) and quantification (B) of retromer complex proteins VPS35 (i), VPS26 (ii), and VPS29 (iii) from Huh7WT, Huh7ATG3-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7ATG7-KO cells (total cell extract). Immunoblot analysis (C) and quantification (D) of retromer complex proteins VPS35 (i), VPS26 (ii), and VPS29 (iii) from HeLaWT, and HeLaATG5-KO cells (total cell extract). (E) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of GLUT1-LAMP2 colocalization in HeLaLC3-TKO, HeLaGABA-TKO, and HeLaHEXA-KO cells. Data, means ± SE (n = 4), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons; ns (not significant), p > 0.05. (F) Immunoblot analysis showing the siRNA-mediated knockdown of ATG5 in Huh7FIP200-KO cells. (G) HCM images of GLUT1 puncta/cell in Huh7WT, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO+ siATG5, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. HCM images in panel F, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line/condition.
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1
PDF files containing original immunoblots for Figure 4—figure supplement 1 indicating relevant bands.
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 2
Original files for immunoblots displayed in Figure 4—figure supplement 1.
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 3
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Canonical autophagy does not affect sorting of the retromer cargo GLUT1.
(A, B) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) puncta/cell in in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG13-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (C, D) HCM quantification of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) in in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG13-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (E–G) HCM quantification of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) puncta/cell (E) and GLUT1 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) (F) in Huh7WT, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO + siATG5, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 6); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line.
Figure 5—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Membrane atg8ylation machinery is required for proper RAB7 localization.
(A–C) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of Rab7 (endogenous protein immunostaining) puncta/cell (B) and Rab7 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) (C) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG3-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, Huh7ATG7-KO, Huh7ATG16L1-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 6); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (D, E) Immunoblot analysis and quantification of proteins in lysosomes purified/enriched by LysoIP (immunoisolation with TMEM192-3xHA) from Huh7WT, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. TMEM192-2xFLAG, negative control. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (F–H) HCM quantification of Rab7 (endogenous protein immunostaining) puncta/cell (G) and Rab7 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) (H) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG13-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 6); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line.
Figure 6—source data 1
PDF files containing original immunoblots for Figure 6 indicating relevant bands.
Figure 6—source data 2
Original files for immunoblots displayed in Figure 6.
Figure 6—source data 3
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Loss of membrane atg8ylation but not of canonical autophagy diverts of RAB7 to lysosomal compartments.
(A) High content microscopy (HCM) images of Rab7 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) showing Rab7 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG3-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, Huh7ATG7-KO, Huh7ATG16L1-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. (B) HCM images of Rab7 (puncta/cell of endogenous Rab7 profiles stained for immunofluorescence) in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG13-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. HCM images (C) and quantification of RAB7 puncta (D) in Huh7WT, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO + siATG5, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 8), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images (E) and quantification of RAB7-LAMP2 colocalization (F) in Huh7WT, Huh7FIP200-KO, Huh7FIP200-KO + siATG5, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 8), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line.
Figure 6—figure supplement 1—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Lysosomal perturbations cause GLUT1 mis-sorting.
(A, B) High content microscopy (HCM) imaging and quantification of LC3 response (puncta/cell of endogenous LC3 immunofluorescent profiles) in HeLaWT, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells in response to lysosomal damage by LLOMe (1 mM, 30 and 60 min). Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (C–E) HCM quantification of GLUT1 response (puncta/cell of endogenous GLUT1) (D) and its localization to endolysosomal compartments (% of LAMP1 profiles positive for GLUT1 immunostaining) (E) in Huh7WT treated with or without Monensin (100 µM), LLOMe (100 µM), and Bafilomycin A1 (100 nM) for 45 min. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. Analysis of GLUT1 puncta/cell (F, G) and its localization to endolysosomal compartments (% of LAMP1 profiles positive for GLUT1 immunostaining), (H) phenotype monitored by HCM quantification in Huh7WT cells transfected with GFP (control) or GFP-Rab7WT, GFP-Rab7Q67L, and GFP-Rab7T22N, expressing plasmids. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. Analysis of GLUT1 puncta/cell (I, J) by HCM quantification in Huh7 WT and ATG16L1-KO cells complemented with Flag (control), Flag-ATG16L1FL, or Flag-ATG16L1E230, expressing plasmids. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 5); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line/condition.
Figure 7—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

CASM agonists effects on retromer cargo GLUT1 in the absence of changes in TBC1D5-LC3A association.
(A) High content microscopy (HCM) images of GLUT1 puncta in Huh7WT cells upon treatment with Monensin (100 µM), LLOMe (100 µM), and Bafilomycin A1 (100 nM) for 45 min. Coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) analysis (B) and quantification of TBC1D5 (C) and VPS35 (D) interaction with GFP-LC3 in Huh7 cells treated with or without Monensin (100 µM), LLOMe (100 µM), and Bafilomycin A1 (100 nM) for 45 min. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in A, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per condition.
Figure 7—figure supplement 1—source data 1
PDF files containing original immunoblots for Figure 7—figure supplement 1 indicating relevant bands.
Figure 7—figure supplement 1—source data 2
Original files for immunoblots displayed in Figure 7—figure supplement 1.
Figure 7—figure supplement 1—source data 3
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

Membrane atg8ylation and endolysosomal homeostasis affect retromer-dependent sorting.
(A–C) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) puncta/cell (B) and GLUT1 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area), (C) in U2OSWT and U2OSATG2A/B-DKO cells treated with or without LLOMe (100 µM) for 45 min. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 6); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (D–F) HCM quantification of GLUT1 (immunostaining of endogenous protein) puncta/cell (E) and GLUT1 colocalization with LAMP2 (% of LAMP2 profiles positive for GLUT1; overlap area), (F) in Huh7WT cand Huh7VPS37A-KO cells treated with or without LLOMe (100 µM) for 45 min. Scale bar, 20 μm. Data, means ± SE (n = 6); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. HCM images in all relevant panels, examples from a bank of unbiased operator-independent machine-collected and algorithm-processed fields containing a minimum of 500 primary objects/cells per well (5 wells minimum per 96-well plate; 3 plates minimum), per cell line/condition. (G) Schematic: Membrane atg8ylation maintains membrane homeostasis under basal or stress conditions and, independently of canonical autophagy, affects retromer function. A functional atg8ylation apparatus is required for proper sorting of the retromer cargo GLUT1.
Figure 8—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.

High content microscopy (HCM) images of GLUT1.
(A) HCM representative images of GLUT1 puncta; immunostaining of endogenous protein in U2OSWT and U2OSATG2A/B-DKO cells upon treatment with LLOMe (100 µM) for 45 min. (B) HCM representative images of GLUT1 puncta in Huh7WT and Huh7VPS37A-KO cells upon treatment with LLOMe (100 µM) for 45 min.

Effects of ATG5 knockout on MPR sorting.
(A) Pulse-chase procedure for monitoring CI-MPR trafficking following CI-MPR antibody uptake. (B, C) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification and representative images of Ab-CI-MPR colocalization with TGN46 after 30 min of intracellular sorting in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells. Yellow masks represent machine-assigned colocalization of Ab-CI-MPR and TGN46. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. (D) Confocal images of Ab-CI-MPR antibody localization relative to TGN46 in HeLaWT, HeLaATG5-KO, and HeLaVPS35-KO cells. (E, F) HCM quantification and representative images of Ab-CI-MPR colocalization with TGN46 after 30 min of intracellular sorting in Huh7WT and Huh7ATG5-KO cells. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); unpaired t-test. Each experiment (independent biological repeats; n = 3) consists of machine-identified 500 valid primary objects/cells per well, ≥5 wells/sample. All data collection, processing (object, region of interest [ROI], and target mask assignments) and analyses were computer driven independently of human operators.
Figure 8—figure supplement 2—source data 1
Numerical values for quantification in graphs (extrapolated from the graph by plot digitizer).

ATG5 affects retromer assembly.
(A, B) High content microscopy (HCM) quantification of LC3 puncta in Huh7WT, Huh7ATG3-KO, Huh7ATG5-KO, Huh7ATG7-KO, and Huh7VPS35-KO cells induced for autophagy in EBSS for 90 min. Plot in C, an example of a whole 96-well plate HCM readout; X-axis, well positions; Y-axis, HCM parameter quantified. Plot in D, nested data from three different plates each one as in C. FM, full medium; EVSS, starvation medium. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. Coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) analysis (C) and quantification (D) of VPS35 and YFP-VPS29 interaction in HeLaWT, and HeLaATG5-KO cells. Data, means ± SE (n = 3), one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons. Co-IP analysis (E) and quantification (F) of VPS26 and YFP-VPS29 interaction in HeLaWT, and HeLaATG5-KO cells. Data, means ± SE (n = 3); unpaired t-test.
Figure 8—figure supplement 3—source data 1
PDF files containing original immunoblots for Figure 8—figure supplement 3 indicating relevant bands.
Figure 8—figure supplement 3—source data 2
Original files for immunoblots displayed in Figure 8—figure supplement 3.
Figure 8—figure supplement 3—source data 3
Numerical values for quantification in graphs.