Figure references indicate the corresponding figure in the main, revised manuscript. (a-d) Analysis of behavioral data during training (a, time freezing) or recall (b-d) to test for difference between control groups (ACC shNT vs CA1 shNT). No difference between groups was found in any analysis [2-Way repeated measures ANOVA; (a) time x brain region effect, p=0.995, main brain region effect, p=0.109, main time effect: p=0.002, n=5; (b) time x brain region effect, p=0.647, main brain region effect, p=0.868, main time effect: p=0.019, n=5; (c) time x brain region effect, p=0.978, main brain region effect, p=0.443 , main time effect: 0.443 , n=5; (d) time x brain region effect, p=0.849, main brain region effect, p=0.969, main time effect: p=0.68; n=5;]. (e-f) Moving index during recall day 1 in one second time bins. No group difference was detected [2-Way repeated measures ANOVA; (e) time x virus effect, p=0.011, main virus region effect, p=0.749, main time effect: p=0.372, n=5; Sidak’s posthoc, N.S; (f) time x virus region effect, p=0.435, main virus effect, p=0.695, main time effect: 0.16, n=5]. (g) Correlation of decoder accuracy and behavioral discrimination ratio during both recall sessions [Pearson’s correlation, shNT: R2=0.579, p=0.028, n=8; shRNA: R2=0.577, p=0.029, n=8]. (h) Absolute numbers of FSR neurons [Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, ACC, p=0.705, n=5; CA1, p=0.393, n=5]. (i-j) Analysis of randomly picked nonFSR neurons for change in event rate (i) and correlated pairs (j) upon foot-shocks. In ACC, no difference in either measure was found [Paired t-test, event rate (i), shNT, p=0.123, n=5; shRNA, p=0.924, n=5; correlated pairs (j): shNT, p=0.052, n=5; shRNA, p=0.112, n=5]. In CA1 neurons showed a significant decrease in event rate in both groups [Paired t-test, event rate (i), shNT, p=0.034, n=5; shRNA, p=0.033, n=5] and a decrease in correlated pairs in the shNT group [Paired t-test, correlated pairs (j), shNT, p=0.044, n=5; shRNA, p=0.055, n=5]. (k) Number of shamFSR neurons found in baseline recording on the training day. shamFSRs were identified using the same approach as training day (activity change around foot-shock). Number of shamFSRs did not differ between treatment groups. [Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, ACC, p=0.702, n=5; CA1, p=0.09, n=5]. (l) Comparison of numbers of shamFSR neurons during baseline and FSR neurons during training. In ACC, shRNA mice show significantly more FSR neurons compared to shamFSR neurons [paired t-test with Welch’s correction, shNT, p=0.473, n=5; shRNA, p=0.021, n=5]. (m-n) Analysis of shamFSR neurons for change in event rate (m) and correlated pairs (n) upon time points similar to foot-shock time points. No change in event rate or correlated pairs for detected in shamFSR neurons in any group [Paired t-test, event rate (m), ACC, shNT, p=0.089, p=5, shRNA, p=0.075, n=5; CA1, shNT, p=0.118, n=5; shRNA, p=0.122, n=5; correlated pairs (n), CA1, shNT, p=0.063, n=5, shRNA, p=0.38, n=5; CA1, shNT, p=0.088, n=5, shRNA, p=0.086, n=5]. (o) Correlation of activity of correlated pairs and number of correlated pairs during recall (left) and comparison of activity between correlated and uncorrelated neurons (middle-right) in CA1. A negative correlation was found between the number of correlated pairs and activity of correlated neurons in shRNA mice. [Pearson’s correlation, shNT, R2=0.027, p=0.493, n=20, shRNA, R2=0.236, p=0.03, n=20]. No significant difference was found between activity in correlated and uncorrelated neurons [Paired t-test, shNT, p=0.06, n=20, shRNA, p=0.085, n=20]. (p) Number of correlated pairs during baseline recording on training day [Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, ACC, p=0.774, n=5; CA1, p=0.108, n=5]. (q) Correlation between event rate of A&C neurons in CA1 and time moving in context C during recall sessions day1 and day 16. No correlation is found in either group [Pearson’s correlation, shNT, R2=0.113, p=0.344, n=10, shRNA, R2=0.043, p=0.563, n=10].