Supplementary tables.
(a)—Table 1. Samples of hybrids and parental studies used either in genomic or in morphological analyses, along with associated metadata. (b)—Table 2. Models tested to assess the extent to which specialist ancestry predicts measures of fitness and their respective fits using all samples and an unsupervised ADMIXTURE analysis. Best-fit models are bolded. (c)—Table 3. Models tested to assess the extent to which specialist ancestry predicts measures of fitness and their respective fits using all samples and a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis. Best-fit models are bolded. (d)—Table 4. Models tested to assess the extent to which specialist ancestry predicts measures of fitness and their respective fits using only samples from the second field experiment (Martin and Gould, 2020) and an unsupervised ADMIXTURE analysis. Best-fit models are bolded. (e)—Table 5. Models tested to assess the extent to which genome-wide variation (PC1/PC2) predicts measures of fitness and their respective fits using all samples and an unsupervised ADMIXTURE analysis. Best-fit models are bolded. (f)—Table 6. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found to be strongly associated with composite fitness using SnpEff (Cingolani et al., 2012). SNPs that were identified as being strongly associated with both growth and composite fitness are italicized, and those that remain significant after a Bonferroni correction are bolded. (g)—Table 7. Gene ontology term enrichment for genes associated with composite fitness. (h)—Table 8. SNPs found to be strongly associated with growth SnpEff (Cingolani et al., 2012). SNPs that were identified as being strongly associated with both growth and composite fitness are italicized, and those that remain significant after a Bonferroni correction are bolded, (i)—Table 9. Gene ontology term enrichment for genes associated with growth. (j)—Table 10. List of the 31 morphological traits measured for this study and standard length; corresponding landmark IDs match those shown in Figure 2—figure supplement 3. (k)—Table 11. Generalized additive models fitted to composite fitness. Model fit was assessed using AICc, and Akaike weights represent proportional model support. A thin-plate spline for the two linear discriminant axes s(LD1, LD2) is always included, as is a fixed effect of either experiment (i.e. Martin and Wainwright, 2013a; Martin and Gould, 2020) or lake (Crescent Pond/Little Lake) or an interaction between the two. In the last two models, experiment and lake are included as splines, modeled using a factor smooth (bs = ‘fs’). The best-fit model had five estimated degrees of freedom. (l)—Table 12. Generalized additive models fitted to growth. Model fit was assessed using AICc, and Akaike weights represent proportional model support. A thin-plate spline for the two linear discriminant axes s(LD1, LD2) is always included, as is a fixed effect of either experiment (i.e. Martin and Wainwright, 2013a; Martin and Gould, 2020) or lake (Crescent Pond/Little Lake) or an interaction between the two. In the last two models, experiment and lake are included as splines, modeled using a factor smooth (bs = ‘fs’). The best-fit model had 8.93 estimated degrees of freedom. (m)—Table 13. Generalized additive models fitted to survival. Model fit was assessed using AICc, and Akaike weights represent proportional model support. A thin-plate spline for the two linear discriminant axes s(LD1, LD2) is always included, as is a fixed effect of either experiment (i.e. Martin and Wainwright, 2013a; Martin and Gould, 2020) or lake (Crescent Pond/Little Lake) or an interaction between the two. In the last two models, experiment and lake are included as splines, modeled using a factor smooth (bs = ‘fs’). The best-fit model had five estimated degrees of freedom. (n)—Table 14. Generalized additive models fitted to growth including SNPs most strongly associated with composite fitness. Model fit was assessed using AICc, and Akaike weights represent proportional model support. The best-fit model for composite fitness using morphology alone (see Table 8) was used as the base model. The SNPs that were most strongly associated with composite fitness (following a Bonferroni correction) were included as fixed effects, modeled as splines using a factor smooth, treating genotype as an ordered factor. Note that three SNPs were excluded due to their close proximity to other SNPs that were more strongly associated. All SNPs were considered individually, as well as all SNPs together. We were unable to assess all possible combinations of SNPs due to the vast number of potential models given the number of SNPs under consideration; rather, we fit one final model that only included SNPs found to be significant in the full model. In turn this model led to a substantial improvement in AICc. The best-fit model had 20.29 estimated degrees of freedom. (o)—Table 15. Generalized additive models fitted to growth including SNPs most strongly associated with growth. Model fit was assessed using AICc, and Akaike weights represent proportional model support. The best-fit model for growth using morphology alone (see Table 9) was used as the base model. Each of the four SNPs that were most strongly associated with growth (following a Bonferroni correction) were included as fixed effects, modeled as splines using a factor smooth, treating genotype as an ordered factor. All SNPs were considered individually, as well as all possible combinations. This was only feasible due to the small number of SNPs assessed (four). The best-fit model had 7.97 estimated degrees of freedom. (p)—Table 16. General linear models fitted to examine the relationship between aspects of network size (i.e. number of nodes, number of edges linking neighboring nodes) and the number of accessible paths between generalists and specialists. Models were fitted using each of the three different fitness measures; bolded lines correspond to the best-fit model for each response variable, within each measure of fitness. Poisson regression was chosen as each response variable correspond to count-data. Because Poisson regression models are log-linear, we report both the estimated coefficient and its exponentiated value which corresponds to the expected multiplicative increase in the mean of Y per unit value of X. (q)—Table 17. Accessibility of specialists to generalists and the ruggedness of their respective fitness landscapes. Odds ratios were obtained by modeling the association between each summary statistic and the species from which adaptive loci were used to construct the fitness network. Scale-eaters were treated as the baseline of comparison in the comparison of odds ratios; thus, positive odds ratios imply that summary statistics for molluscivore fitness networks are greater than those constructed from scale-eater adaptive loci and vice versa. For generalist to specialist comparisons, accessible paths were identified between one randomly sampled generalist node and one randomly sampled specialist node. For comparison of the peaks in networks, these summary statistics were calculated from either molluscivore or scale-eater fitness networks, identifying the number of peaks (nodes with no fitter neighbors – see Materials and methods), and the scaled (total divided by number of nodes in the network) number of accessible paths separating all focal specialist nodes and all peaks in the network. (r)—Table 18. Influence of different sources of adaptive genetic variation on accessibility of fitness paths separating either generalists from molluscivores, or generalists and scale-eaters using all samples. Results for networks using all three measures of fitness (composite fitness, survival, and growth) are reported. Networks were constructed from random draws of five SNPs from either standing genetic variation (SGV), introgression, or de novo mutations, as well as their combinations. Odds ratios were obtained by modeling the association between each accessibility measure and the source of genetic variation used to construct the fitness network, relative to networks constructed from standing variation. Thus, positive odds ratios imply that networks from standing variation have measures of accessibility that are smaller as compared to the alternative (e.g. introgression, de novo mutations, etc.). (s)—Table 19. Influence of different sources of adaptive genetic variation on accessibility of fitness paths separating either generalists from molluscivores, or generalists and scale-eaters using only samples from the second field experiment (Martin and Gould, 2020). Results for networks using all three measures of fitness (composite fitness, survival, and growth) are reported. Networks were constructed from random draws of five SNPs from either standing genetic variation (SGV), introgression, or de novo mutations, as well as their combinations. Odds ratios were obtained by modeling the association between each accessibility measure and the source of genetic variation used to construct the fitness network, relative to networks constructed from standing variation. Thus, positive odds ratios imply that networks from standing variation have measures of accessibility that are smaller as compared to the alternative (e.g. introgression, de novo mutations, etc.).