AI-driven automated discovery tools reveal diverse behavioral competencies of biological networks

Overview of the proposed framework.
(a) MOTIVATION: We often focus on studying the navigation and behavior of organisms in conventional three-dimensional environments, neglecting the intelligence underlying competencies at sub-organismal scales (Fields and Levin, 2022). To better understand navigation competencies in unconventional organisms solving problems in unconventional spaces (e.g., embryos in morphological space), it is essential to construct comprehensive ‘behavioral catalogs’ for these novel entities, which in turn requires sophisticated exploration methods to discover the extent of possible behaviors. Images are taken and adapted with permissions from Figure 2C in Levin, 2022, Figure 6A in Levin, 2023a (image made by Alexis Pietak), graphical abstract of Murugan et al., 2021, Figure 3D of Kriegman et al., 2020 (image made by Douglas Blackiston) and Figure 4A of Bongard and Levin, 2023. (b) EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS: We formalize gene regulatory network (GRN) behavior as a navigation task and propose to investigate it by defining abstract and observer-dependent ‘problem spaces’ that we use to organize the observed biological behaviors and their exploration in practice. (c) AUTOMATED EXPERIMENTATION: Pseudo-code of the curiosity-driven goal exploration process we use to automate the discovery of behavioral abilities that the GRN can exhibit in behavior space. (d) EMPIRICAL TESTS: We use a battery of empirical tests to identify the robust goal states of the systems, i.e., the one that can be attained under a wide variety of perturbation (including noise in gene expression, and pushes or walls during traversal of transcription space). (e) PERSPECTIVES: We explore several potential reuses of the discovered ‘behavioral catalog’ and proposed framework across evolutionary biology, biomedicine, and bioengineering contexts.
© 2021, John Wiley and Sons. Part of Panel A is reproduced from Murugan et al., 2021 with permission from John Wiley and Sons. It is not covered by the CC-BY 4.0 licence and further reproduction of this panel would need permission from the copyright holder.

Illustration of the experimental setup and chosen problem spaces on an example gene regulatory network (GRN) model which has 10 nodes and models the influence of RKIP on the ERK Signaling Pathway (Lehman and Stanley, 2011).
(a) Time-course evolution of the different nodes y1, …, y10 (one color per node) when starting from the default initial conditions (as provided in Lehman and Stanley, 2011). The observation captures the states taken through time o=[y(t=0), …, y(t=T)] where y=[y1, …, y10]. (b) Corresponding trajectory in transcriptional space (phase space), for two target nodes (ERK, RKIPP_RP), from t=0 (A, in red) to T=1000 s (B, in cyan). We can see that the trajectory converges to endpoint B in less than 100 s, and then stay there. The behavior (or reached goal state) is the endpoint , where T is chosen big enough to ensure convergence. (c) The intervention is setting the initial state of the system trajectory (for all nodes): i = [y1(t=0), …, y10(t=0)]. (d-e) Example of perturbations used in this paper. (d) Noise perturbation, here applied to all 10 nodes every 5 s until t=80 s. (e) Push perturbation, here applied to the two target nodes (ERK, RKIPP_RP) at t=3 s. (f) Wall perturbation, also applied to the two target nodes (ERK, RKIPP_RP), here at 10% and 90% of the total distance traveled. Figure supplement shows examples of other possible ‘drug’ or ‘genome’ interventions that can be implemented in the accompanying software, as well as the possibility to perform interventions (or perturbations) in parallel using batched computations.

Examples of interventions that can be implemented within the accompanying AutodiscJax software.
All those examples can be reproduced in the accompanying tutorial 1. (a) Numerical simulations with interventions can be performed in parallel by vectorizing simulations over different intervention parameters, simply using the jax vmap operator. This offers a convenient (and fast) way to test several interventions in the biological network, as shown here for testing the network under various initial conditions in batch mode. In this example, despite the numerous interventions, the gene regulatory network (GRN) trajectories still converge to the same endpoint B. (b) Example intervention where species amounts are clamped to specific values. In this example, the node MEKPP is clamped to for 10 s at t=0 and then to for 10 additional seconds at t=400. In this example, after the first clamping the GRN trajectory still follows a similar S-shape curve and arrives close to the original endpoint B but after the second clamping, ERK expression levels are shifted to a higher steady state B’. (c) Example intervention where the numerical value of one kinematic parameter of the model (k5) is changed from 0.0315 to 0.1. In this example, we can see that changing the parameter k5 shifts the trajectory end point quite significantly, but qualitatively the trajectory seems to preserve a similar S-shape.

Curiosity search uncovers a wide spectrum of reachable states in behavior space Z.
(a) Diversity of endpoints discovered by random search (pink) and curiosity search (blue) for the 432 systems. Diversity is measured as the volume of the union of the set of hyperballs of radius that have for centers the discovered endpoints as depicted by the shaded area in (b–c) with . (a-left) Mean and standard deviation curves of the diversity of behaviors discovered throughout exploration (with random search having twice more experiments n=900). Dots indicates significance (p<0.05) when testing curiosity search (n) against random search (n) in brown, and against random search (n=900) in black, with a Welch’s t-test. Standard deviation is divided by 4 for visibility. (a-right) Detail of the diversity obtained in the left plot for all 432 systems at n=450 and n=900, where *** indicates significance (p<0.001). (b–c) Discovered endpoints at the end of exploration (n=450) by random search (pink) and curiosity search (blue) for 6 example systems of our database. (b) Examples of systems for which curiosity search is much more sample-efficient than random search in finding a diversity of reachable states in behavior space Z. (c) Examples of systems with low-redundancy mapping I ->Z such that random search in is already quite efficient in covering behavior space Z, and curiosity search performs equivalently.

Sanity Check.
Discoveries made by our exploration pipeline on simple systems for which the ground truth goal states are known (a–b) as well as for more complex variants of these systems (c–d). Time-course evolution of the discovered trajectories are shown for the nodes given in x and y axis. Trajectories start from the initial conditions (red points) sampled by the exploration method and end in the discovered steady states (cyan points). (a) Discoveries made by our curiosity search method for BIOMD0000000341 which models the dynamics of beta-cell mass, insulin, and glucose dynamics as described in Topp et al.’s paper [140]. This simple model is known to have two attractors, representing physiological (B=300, I=10, G=100) and pathological (B=0, I=0, G=600) steady states, as described in the paper. We show here that our exploration pipeline is able to re-discover those two steady states. (b) Discoveries made by our curiosity search method for BIOMD0000000454 with the same assumptions as described in the ‘Example One’ from the ‘Metabolic Control Analysis: Rereading Reder’ paper [141], which is a small metabolic pathway whose (single) steady state can be derived analytically as shown in the paper. As expected our exploration method is again able to re-discover this steady state (x1=0.056, x2=0.769, x3=4.231). (c–d) Discoveries made by our curiosity search method and a random search method for BIOMD0000000454 but this time relaxing some of the assumptions made in ‘Example One’ of [141]. We notably relax the assumption that metabolite concentrations y1(t),...y5(t) are fixed to certain values, and instead let these quantities evolve according to the provided chemical reactions. In that more complex case, the system exhibits a spectrum of possible steady states that are not analytically easy to find and unknown a priori. Here, we see that the curiosity search method (c) is able to uncover the distribution of possible steady states more efficiently than a random search method (d).

Illustration of the non linearity and redundancy of the I->Z mapping, and of the interest of using goal-directed exploration strategies.
Plot shows the reachable points discovered by curiosity search (a) and by random search (b) in the behavior space Z and their corresponding starting points in the intervention space I, for the RKIP-ERK signaling pathway system (Kwang-Hyun et al., 2003). The intervention space is 10-dimensional, and here we show the TSNE reduction in 2D. We apply HDBSCAN clustering (McInnes et al., 2017) on the points discovered in Z, which produced four clusters for curiosity search (displayed in gray, green, purple, and orange; non-assigned points are displayed in light blue) and two clusters for random search (displayed in light and dark orange). We then visualize where those regions in behavior space are mapped back in the intervention space, by applying the same coloring. (a) Looking at the curiosity search discoveries, we can see the non-linearity of the I->Z mapping, where small regions of intervention space can map to large regions of the behavior space (like the orange area) and reversely (gray area). We can also see the redundancy of the behavior space which is clearly concentrated in the left border of the space (ERK close to zero) which can seemingly be reached from very large portions of the intervention space (gray area). (b) Looking at random search discoveries, we can understand that it is very inefficient as it spends most of its exploration budget in the region of intervention space that converges to the left border in Z, and fails to explore the orange, purple, and green regions discovered by curiosity search which seemingly lead to the more novelty in Z.

Identification of robust traversal strategies in transcriptional space.
(a) Violin plots show, for each of the 432 systems (one point per system), the median sensitivity (over the K representative goal states) to the noise (green), push (gray), and wall (yellow) perturbation families. Violin plots on the right detail the median sensitivity for the 18 sub-families. (b–g) Each row provides examples of perturbed trajectories of either extremely-robust or extremely-sensitive example (gene regulatory network. GRN, Z) system (on average over the K goal states) for the three families of perturbations, as shown by annotations in (a). For instance, the first row (b) shows perturbed trajectories of the (model #10, nodes (3, 7)) system which has the highest sensitivity to noise whereas the last row (g) shows trajectories of the (model #272, nodes (2, 3)) system which has a nearly perfect robustness to walls. Each image contains an example trajectory for a given , and one per sub-family is shown per column. For instance, in the first row (b), the trajectories are perturbed with the different sub-families of noise which can be seen as various levels of difficulty. For each trajectory we annotate the starting position (A), endpoint prior perturbation (B), and endpoint after perturbation (B’), and show the original trajectory in black. The perturbed trajectory is shown in color scale (from red at t=0 to cyan at t=3000 s). (b) Except for few cases (trajectory #43), the system (model #10, nodes (3, 7)) system is not robust to noise as its trajectories are easily deviated from the original endpoint. (c) The (model #52, nodes (4, 7)) system however, except for rare cases (trajectory #35), consistently reaches its original target despite encountering various amounts of noise. Interestingly, trajectories #36 and #40 consistently follows a complex up->right-down->left path, despite the induced noise. (d) The (model #647, nodes (2, 10)) system, except for few cases (trajectory #0), is typically deviated from its original trajectory when being pushed away. Interestingly though, it seems to follow similar (parallel) trajectories. (e) The (model #284, nodes (4, 6)) system, is an example of an extremely robust system which, despite many push configurations (in magnitude and number), consistently returns to its original trajectory. Interestingly, the trajectories of this system are relatively complex with several loops and detours. (f) The (model #84, nodes (4, 6)) system is not very robust to walls, and typically deviates or blocked when it encounters a wall. (g) The (model #272, nodes (2, 3)) system is another example of an extremely robust system which, despite many wall configurations (in length and number), consistently returns to its original path. Once again interestingly, the trajectories of this system are relatively complex with several loops and detours.

Wall implementation.
Walls are implemented within the 2D space spanned by the two observed nodes. Within that space, we can interpret the node activation levels as the trajectory of a particle moving. In order to simulate the interaction with ‘walls’ in that space, two implementations are proposed within the accompanying software AutoDiscJax: perfectly elastic collision (equivalent to a discontinuous force field) and some continuous force field variant. The continuous force field variant is employed for the main results of this paper. (a) For the first variant, we consider a perfectly elastic collision without loss of kinetic energy. In that case, when the trajectory is touching the wall at position with speed we deviate the trajectory in such a way that is ‘bouncing’ against the wall such that is unchanged and . To implement it, we simply check whether the segment intersect the wall at each time step. It does, we compute the intersection point and time , and set the activation level to . (b) For the second variant, we implement walls as energy barriers acting as a new force field in the environment, constraining the gene regulatory network (GRN) traversal of the space. This time, instead of having a discontinuous effect on the perpendicular speed we define a wall force (+if is going toward wall, - otherwise) and use it to update the perpendicular component of the trajectory speed as . Here and is calculated as a function of the distance between the point and the wall. As illustrated in the figure, this basically results in a stadium-shaped force field around the wall.

Visualization of the system-level energy landscape.
Energy landscape visualization based on the trajectory-based landscape generation method (Li and Wang, 2013), and constructed from different sets of gene regulatory network (GRN) trajectories, respectively trajectories generated (a) by the random search exploration, (b) by the curiosity-driven exploration, and (c) by the robustness tests experiments.

Analysis and comparison of the degree of sophistication, in terms of versatility and robustness, between different classes of gene regulatory network (GRN).
We categorize the GRNs by class of organism they belong to: plant, bacteria, slime mold, amphibian, rodent, Homo sapiens, or generic. ‘n/a’ refers to network models for which this information is not available. (a) Violin plots show the versatility of the 432 systems (one point per system) for each class. Versatility of one system is measured as the area covered by all the goal states discovered by curiosity search (equivalent to what we call diversity in Figure 3). (b) Trade-off (aka Pareto) mean and standard deviation curves that represent the trade-off among versatility and wall robustness performances as taken by the different classes of GRNs (standard deviation is divided by 4 for visibility). For each system, versatility (y-value) is measured as the area covered by the set of robustly achieved goal states, where the criterion of goal-achievement is a binary which tests whether the goal-reaching sensitivity (on average overall wall perturbations) is below a certain threshold (x-values). Violin plots in (a) are ordered in ascending order according to the class mean y-value at x=0.4 in (b).

Identification of stimuli-based stepwise intervention triggering robust re-set of disease states into healthy physiological states.
(a) The 10 most robust identified goal states (average sensitivity <0.05) and the corresponding reaching trajectories are displayed for the example RKIP-ERK signaling pathway (Kwang-Hyun et al., 2003). We can see that most of them converge toward attractors in the ‘disease’ region (orange). (b) Discovered stepwise stimuli intervention on MEKPP which we apply on states stuck in the ‘disease’ region for 100 s. (c) The discovered intervention successfully brings back all points from the ‘disease’ region closer to the target endpoint in the ‘healthy’ region, and this is under various tested perturbations (as shown in figure supplement). The optimization procedure that led to the discovery of this intervention is described in the main text.

Resulting trajectories after applying the discovered stimuli-based intervention, as shown in Figure 8b, to the example RKIP-ERK signaling pathway (Kwang-Hyun et al., 2003) for the 6 ‘disease’ trajectories originally discovered in the behavioral catalog (shown in Figure 8a).
(a) For each trajectory (one per row), we see that the intervention successfully re-sets the disease setpoint (startpoint of the trajectory shown in red in the orange region) to a healthy set-point (endpoint of the trajectory shown in cyan in the green region). (b–c) Similar results are achieved despite adding push perturbations (b) or wall perturbations (c) in addition to the stimuli-based intervention.

Comparison of four alternative strategies for the design of oscillator circuits: curiosity search (blue), random search (pink), gradient descent (orange), and an evolutionary algorithm (green).
(a–c) Given a budget of 5000 experiments, curiosity search is able to find 1167 oscillator circuits (ones showing sustained oscillations), whereas random search only finds 42 oscillators and optimization-driven search fail to discover them (only one discovered by CMA-ES and none for gradient descent when starting from a single random initialization). (a) 3D scatter plot of the 42 random search discoveries (pink) and 1167 curiosity search ones (blue) in the (amplitude, main frequency, offset) analytic behavior space. (b) Box plots projecting points from the 3D scatter plot into the respective (amplitude, main frequency, offset) axes. (c) Diversity is discovered throughout exploration, where diversity is measured with a binning-based space coverage metric (20 bins per dimension). (d-e-f-g) Best discoveries (for which is minimal) made by the four exploration strategies. (h) Evolution of the optimization loss for the four algorithm variants. (i) Evolution of the local training loss when finetuning of the best Intrinsically-Motivated Goal Exploration Processes (IMGEP) (blue) and RS (pink) discoveries with gradient descent, with the finetuned results displayed in (j–k).
Glossary of terms used in this paper, with the proposed isomorphism which investigates concepts from dynamical complex systems and behavioral sciences under a common navigation task perspective.
Dynamical systems terminology | Behavioral science terminology | Proposed isomorphism | Navigation task terminology |
system: a set of interconnected elements that interact to produce emergent behavior | organism: a living being that responds to stimuli and adapts to its environment | Both are collections of lower-level elements that interact to produce emergent behavior and can adapt at the system level | agent or GRN |
phase-space trajectory: set of states taken by the system when starting from one particular initial condition | behavioral trajectory: the sequence of states that an organism exhibits in response to stimuli | Both represent the sequence of states or behaviors that a system or individual experiences over time | trajectory |
initial condition: initial state of a system’s variables and parameters that condition its dynamics | stimuli: events that might (or might not) trigger a response in an organism | Both represent incoming variations that set a system or organism in motion | intervention or perturbation |
critical parameter: a parameter or condition that, if changed, can cause a system to undergo a qualitative change or phase transition | salient stimuli: stimuli that are particularly relevant or meaningful to an organism, either because they are associated with reward or punishment or because they are novel or unexpected | Both represent the incoming variations that have a significant impact on a system’s steady-state or organism’s response | salient intervention |
steady-state (or attractor): a stable state (or set of states), towards which the system tends to evolve over time | observed response: outcome or endpoint of a behavioral trajectory towards which an organism converges | Both represent the endpoint that a system or organism is moving towards | reached endpoint or goal |
robust attractor: stable attractor toward which the system tends to evolve under various initial conditions and perturbations | target goal: it is assumed that an organism engages in a goal-directed manner when it exhibits new ways or actions to achieve a similar outcome when faced with novel circumstances | Both represent a stable endpoint or goal that the system successfully attains under various perturbations | robust goal |
controllability: degree to which the system’s dynamics (and resulting steady states) can be controlled or manipulated | trainability: degree to which an organism’s behavior can be modified or shaped by experience or conditioning | Both measure the extent of states that can be reached by a system or individual under a distribution of stimuli/conditions | versatility |
Problem spaces used in this study.
Problem space | Generic definition | Specific definition in this study |
Observation space (O) | Space of raw observations made during the GRN model rollout to measure its state or behavior. | Records node activities over time as , where y(t) is an n-dimensional vector (n=number of nodes) and T is the measured reaction time. |
Behavior space (Z) | A projection of the observation space used by the experimenter to encode the ‘goal states’ of a model rollout into a tractable (lower-dimensional) space. | Encodes the trajectory endpoint of a model rollout. Represents a cell phenotype defined by the state values of some nodes (relevant biological markers), such that (we use m=2 in this study for simplicity and visualization). |
Intervention space (I) | A space where interventions represent controlled sources of incoming variation that the experimenter can exert on the GRN model rollout to drive it toward novel or targeted states. | Sets the initial state of a model rollout. Defined as a hyper-rectangle I ⊆ ℝⁿ where the boundaries are proportional to the min and max values taken by the respective nodes from default initial conditions. |
Perturbation space (U) | A space where perturbations represent external sources of incoming variation, used by the experimenter to characterize the robustness of a given goal state. | Includes three classes of (stochastic) perturbations including noise perturbation , push perturbation , and wall perturbation . |
Additional files
MDAR checklist
Supplementary file 1
List of biological networks from Biomodels used in this paper.