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    1. Cell Biology

    Inclusive, exclusive and hierarchical atlas of NFATc1+/PDGFR-α+ cells in dental and periodontal mesenchyme

    Xue Yang, Chuyi Han ... Fanyuan Yu
    The inclusive, exclusive, and hierarchical atlas of NFATc1+/PDGFR-α+ cells in dental and periodontal mesenchyme is described.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    A neurotrophin functioning with a Toll regulates structural plasticity in a dopaminergic circuit

    Jun Sun, Francisca Rojo-Cortes ... Alicia Hidalgo
    A novel molecular mechanism linking a neurotrophin with a Toll-family and kinase-less Trk-like receptors provides a direct link from molecules to structural circuit plasticity and modification of behaviour.
    1. Cell Biology

    Vesiculation pathways in clathrin-mediated endocytosis

    Xinran Wang, Julien Berro, Rui Ma
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    Reviewed Preprint v1
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    1. Cell Biology

    Defective Neurogenesis in Lowe Syndrome is Caused by Mitochondria Loss and Cilia-related Sonic Hedgehog Defects

    Chien-Hui Lo, Siyu Chen ... Yang Sun
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    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Bestrophin-4 relays HES4 and interacts with TWIST1 to suppress epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in colorectal cancer cells

    Zijing Wang, Bihan Xia ... Jilin Yang
    The inhibition of colorectal cancer (CRC) proliferation, migration, and invasion is attributed to BEST4, which exhibits epistasis over Hes4 in the downregulation of Twist1 and consequent suppression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in CRC.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Full-length direct RNA sequencing uncovers stress granule-dependent RNA decay upon cellular stress

    Showkat Ahmad Dar, Sulochan Malla ... Manolis Maragkakis
    Cellular stress induces RNA decay that depends on stress granule assembly and is mediated by XRN1, independent of poly(A) tail and 5' cap removal.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Endosomal sorting protein SNX4 limits synaptic vesicle docking and release

    Josse Poppinga, Nolan J Barrett ... Jan RT van Weering
    SNX4 influences synaptic vesicle recruitment at the active zone, linking endosomal sorting to docked vesicle density and modulating neurotransmission efficiency during sustained activity.
    1. Cell Biology

    Protective effects of PDGF-AB/BB against cellular senescence in human intervertebral disc

    Changli Zhang, Martha Elena Diaz-Hernandez ... Hicham Drissi
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    1. Cell Biology

    Chemotherapy resistance due to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition is caused by abnormal lipid metabolic balance

    Atsushi Matsumoto, Akihito Inoko ... Junichi Ikenouchi
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    • Incomplete