Irini Papazian, Maria Kourouvani ... Lesley Probert
Severely immunodeficient B2m-NOG mice transplanted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from multiple sclerosis patients partially reproduce disease immunopathology and represent novel experimental models for studying human immune responses to the central nervous system in a rapid and personalized manner.
The pseudokinase Tribbles1 is expressed in human monocytes after mycobacterial challenge and can be manipulated to be host protective against mycobacterial infection, due to control of innate immune cell function, in a zebrafish tuberculosis model.
Enigmatic long-lived plasma cells display an enhanced clustering in bone marrow niches and require CXCR4 for retention, survival, and maintenance of antibody titers.
Genetic engineering of murine myeloid cells reveals the challenges in ectopic expression of chemiric receptors and provides a novel framework to endow them with tumor-specific cytotoxic ability.
Amyloid-beta aggregates and lipopolysaccharide differ in their kinetics of Myddosome formation and size of Myddosome formed, providing an explanation for the less efficient triggering of TLR4 observed with aggregates.