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    1. Neuroscience

    Oxytocin promotes coordinated out-group attack during intergroup conflict in humans

    Hejing Zhang, Jörg Gross ... Yina Ma
    Humans intranasally administered the neuropeptide oxytocin waste less and earn more spoils during intergroup conflict because oxytocin enables group members to better coordinate strategic attacking of out-groups.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    High-molecular-weight polymers from dietary fiber drive aggregation of particulates in the murine small intestine

    Asher Preska Steinberg, Sujit S Datta ... Rustem F Ismagilov
    Polymers from dietary fiber can control the aggregation of particulates in the murine small intestine in a manner qualitatively consistent with depletion interactions.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Gut microbiota density influences host physiology and is shaped by host and microbial factors

    Eduardo J Contijoch, Graham J Britton ... Jeremiah J Faith
    The density of the gut microbiota influences the host immune system and adiposity, and can be therapeutically manipulated.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Ovaries absent links dLsd1 to HP1a for local H3K4 demethylation required for heterochromatic gene silencing

    Fu Yang, Zhenghui Quan ... Rongwen Xi
    A Drosophila fertility gene is identified that acts as a linker between HP1a and local H3K4 demethylation during HP1a-mediated gene silencing that is required for ovary development and transposon silencing..
    1. Neuroscience

    An afferent white matter pathway from the pulvinar to the amygdala facilitates fear recognition

    Jessica McFadyen, Jason B Mattingley, Marta I Garrido
    A subcortical white matter connection from the pulvinar to the amygdala predicts how well we recognise fearful faces and the strength of feed-forward neural connectivity.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Fine-mapping cis-regulatory variants in diverse human populations

    Ashley Tehranchi, Brian Hie ... Hunter B Fraser
    A map of the genetic variants affecting chromatin accessibility in 1000 individuals from 10 diverse populations reveals how cis-regulatory variants impact transcription and disease.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Genomics of 1 million parent lifespans implicates novel pathways and common diseases and distinguishes survival chances

    Paul RHJ Timmers, Ninon Mounier ... Peter K Joshi
    Genomic associations with lifespan principally reflect heart disease/smoking/dementia but not other cancers, and distinguish lifespan differences of five years between top/bottom deciles of a score derived from DNA alone.
    1. Neuroscience

    Complex spike synchrony dependent modulation of rat deep cerebellar nuclear activity

    Tianyu Tang, Timothy A Blenkinsop, Eric J Lang
    The importance of synchronous Purkinje cell complex spikes for controlling cerebellar output was investigated by simultaneously recording from cerebellar nuclear cells and arrays of Purkinje cells that synapse onto them.
    1. Ecology

    The return to water in ancestral Xenopus was accompanied by a novel mechanism for producing and shaping vocal signals

    Ursula Kwong-Brown, Martha L Tobias ... Darcy B Kelley
    When ancestral Xenopus returned to water ~170mya, they evolved a new method for producing courtship calls underwater without airflow, using vibrations that also preserve essential acoustic information on species identity.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Time-resolved mapping of genetic interactions to model rewiring of signaling pathways

    Florian Heigwer, Christian Scheeder ... Michael Boutros
    Genetic interaction analysis by combinatorial genetic perturbation and high-throughput imaging maps time- and context-dependent crosstalk between signaling pathways.