A deep learning-based system objectively and reliably scores the Rey–Osterrieth complex figure test, enhancing the assessment of visual memory deficits from hand-drawn images in clinical settings.
John H Day, Catherine M Della Santina ... Laurie A Boyer
A simple and accessible method for high-throughput super-resolution fluorescence microscopy that is compatible with commonly used staining practices, 96-well cell culture plates, and confocal microscopes.
The automated workflow significantly enhances the precision and scalability of cell cycle analysis, enabling high-throughput studies in both non-adherent and adherent cells for advanced cancer research and drug development.
Mighten C Yip, Mercedes M Gonzalez ... Craig R Forest
Patch-walking is a novel automated patch clamp approach for finding synaptic connections in brain tissue, yielding 80–92% more probed connections than traditional approaches.
A novel pair of isobaric crosslinking reagents is described, which allow relative quantification of crosslinker-modified peptides during mass spectrometry analysis for comparative structural studies of proteins and protein complexes.
Adding suppressors of spontaneous differentiation enables precise control of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) status in suspension culture conditions and leads to scalable and automated cell therapy using hiPSCs.
Nishal Pradeepbhai Shah, AJ Phillips ... EJ Chichilnisky
A novel method of electrical stimulation to precisely control neural activity for sensory restoration exhibits improvements in visual stimulus reconstruction, enables efficient hardware design, and extends to naturalistic conditions.
Quantitative models for responses of rod and cone photoreceptors are developed that allow direct tests of the impact of the photoreceptors on responses of downstream visual neurons.
The Marmoset Apparatus for Automated Pulling provides a powerful and scalable experimental platform for studying behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying cooperation in freely moving marmosets.