A non-apoptotic function of the caspase Dronc is essential to promote tissue repair in response to necrosis via a previously uncharacterized mechanism.
Kentaro K Ishii, Koichi Hashikawa ... Garret D Stuber
Inhibitory neurons in the female medial preoptic area show persistent activity in response to male ejaculation, and their reactivation is sufficient to suppress female sexual motivation.
Root causal genes correspond to the initial changes to gene expression that induce a diagnosis and can be reliably detected from bulk RNA-seq after determining a causal ordering from Perturb-seq.
Philipp S O'Neill, Martín Baccino-Calace ... Igor Delvendahl
miniML, a deep learning-based method, facilitates synaptic event analysis with high accuracy and versatility across diverse synaptic preparations, enabling high-throughput investigations of neural function and dysfunction.
Maxine K Loh, Samantha J Hurh ... Mitchell F Roitman
Phasic dopamine cell body activity and release in the nucleus accumbens differentially respond to the taste of sucrose in correlation with its hedonic valuation.