Rachael Kuintzle, Leah A Santat, Michael B Elowitz
The Notch signaling pathway can use its various ligands, receptors, and Fringe proteins to generate diverse intra- and intercellular signaling behaviors.
Diverse histories of viral exposure, for example in individuals of different age, makes viral evolution less predictable with features of adaptive and neutral evolution.
Human-based electromechanical simulations reveal electrocardiogram biomarkers are better indicators of pro-arrhythmic substrate after myocardial infarction than ejection fraction.
Measuring mitochondrial respiration in frozen tissue samples provides the first comprehensive atlas of how aging affects mitochondrial function in mice.
Analysis of genome-wide spatial transcriptomics data reveals cell-type specific subcellular RNA localization, and a subset of genes show significantly high correlation between spatial patterning and 3' UTR length.