Giulia Ferraretti, Paolo Abondio ... Marco Sazzini
A combination of composite-likelihood and gene network-based methods to investigate the impact of Denisovan introgression on the evolution of complex (i.e., polygenic) adaptive traits in high-altitude populations of Tibetan/Sherpa ancestry.
Rebecca Warfvinge, Linda Geironson Ulfsson ... Göran Karlsson
Single-cell analysis of CML patients bone marrow at diagnosis reveals coexistence of CD26-CD35+ healthy stem cells and CD26+CD35- CML stem cells, and how the ratio between these impacts TKI response.
A new approach helps examine the proportion of cancerous and healthy stem cells in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and how this influences treatment outcomes.
Anna Herrmannová, Jan Jelínek ... Leoš Shivaya Valášek
eIF3, despite being a general translation initiation factor, functions in mRNA-specific regulation, having a profound impact on the synthesis and activation of the MAPK pathway components and ribosomal proteins.