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    Zebrafish Rif1 impacts zygotic genome activation, replication timing, and sex determination

    Emily A. Masser, Tyler D. Noble ... Christopher L. Sansam
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
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    • Convincing
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    APE1 recruits ATRIP to ssDNA in an RPA-dependent and -independent manner to promote the ATR DNA damage response

    Yunfeng Lin, Jia Li ... Shan Yan
    Distinct interactions of AP endonuclease 1 with single-stranded DNA gaps and ATRIP and RPA protein complex address an outstanding question in the field of genome integrity regarding how ATR/ATRIP complex recruits onto damage site for ATR DNA damage response signaling.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Bidirectional regulation of postmitotic H3K27me3 distributions underlie cerebellar granule neuron maturation dynamics

    Vijyendra Ramesh, Fang Liu ... Anne E West
    Bidirectional regulation of the chromatin modification H3K27me3 orchestrates programs of gene expression that underlie postmitotic stages of neuronal maturation.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    RNA Polymerase II transcription independent of TBP in murine embryonic stem cells

    James ZJ Kwan, Thomas F Nguyen ... Sheila S Teves
    TATA-box binding protein is not required for RNA Polymerase II transcription in mouse embryonic stem cells.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Developmental Biology

    The single-cell chromatin accessibility landscape in mouse perinatal testis development

    Hoi Ching Suen, Shitao Rao ... Jinyue Liao
    Single-cell chromatin accessibility analysis reveals the intricate regulatory landscape of mouse testicular development, uncovering novel cell subpopulations and transcription factors, and offering valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms driving germ cell and somatic cell maturation.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Gene Expression: Getting off to a good start

    Igor Martianov, Irwin Davidson
    RNA polymerase II transcription can efficiently occur when mouse embryonic stem cells lack TBP and TBP-like proteins, confirming that this initiation factor may not be as essential as once thought.
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    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    X-chromosome target specificity diverged between dosage compensation mechanisms of two closely related Caenorhabditis species

    Qiming Yang, Te-Wen Lo ... Barbara J Meyer
    Regulatory hierarchies controlling sex determination and X-chromosome dosage compensation between closely-related nematode species are conserved, but X-chromosome target specificity for the condensin dosage compensation complex has diverged, thereby contributing to reproductive isolation.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Plant Biology

    Vernalization-triggered expression of the antisense transcript COOLAIR is mediated by CBF genes

    Myeongjune Jeon, Goowon Jeong ... Ilha Lee
    CBFs, the central regulators of low-temperature signaling, have a function to directly activate the expression of COOLAIR, an antisense RNA of FLC, during vernalization process, but COOLAIR is not required for the vernalization response.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Plant Biology

    Flowering: Keeping it cool

    Vy Nguyen, Iain Searle
    A well-established model for how plants start the process of flowering in periods of cold weather may need revisiting.
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    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Developmental Biology

    The long noncoding RNA Charme supervises cardiomyocyte maturation by controlling cell differentiation programs in the developing heart

    Valeria Taliani, Giulia Buonaiuto ... Monica Ballarino
    The lncRNA pCharme controls the expression of cardiomyocyte maturation genes and heart development by orchestrating the formation of MATR3-enriched nuclear condensates.