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    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Basis of specificity for a conserved and promiscuous chromatin remodeling protein

    Drake A Donovan, Johnathan G Crandall ... Jeffrey N McKnight
    The identification of a novel mechanism of chromatin remodeling, including a conserved remodeler domain and regulatory epitopes, provides targets for the design of therapeutics to modulate transcriptional regulation in cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    DDK regulates replication initiation by controlling the multiplicity of Cdc45-GINS binding to Mcm2-7

    Lorraine De Jesús-Kim, Larry J Friedman ... Stephen P Bell
    A multi-step process of helicase activation sensitizes replication initiation to the extent of replicative helicase phosphorylation.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Neuroscience

    HAT cofactor TRRAP modulates microtubule dynamics via SP1 signaling to prevent neurodegeneration

    Alicia Tapias, David Lázaro ... Zhao-Qi Wang
    The Trrap-HAT-Sp1 axis operates a conserved transcriptional program to control proper microtubule dynamics in brain homeostasis and prevents neurodegeneration.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Cohesin architecture and clustering in vivo

    Siheng Xiang, Douglas Koshland
    Cohesin adopts a flexible butterfly conformation in vivo and forms spatial and temporal regulated ordered clusters to maintain cohesion and condensation.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Short-term exposure to intermittent hypoxia leads to changes in gene expression seen in chronic pulmonary disease

    Gang Wu, Yin Yeng Lee ... David F Smith
    RNA profiles from lungs of mice exposed to intermittent hypoxia shared similarity with gene expression changes in human lung from patients with pulmonary diseases, including pulmonary hypertension, COPD, and asthma.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Repressing Ago2 mRNA translation by Trim71 maintains pluripotency through inhibiting let-7 microRNAs

    Qiuying Liu, Xiaoli Chen ... Wenqian Hu
    Repressing the conserved pro-differentiation let-7 microRNAs through limiting Ago2 levels is critical to maintaining pluripotency in stem cells.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Dynamic effects of genetic variation on gene expression revealed following hypoxic stress in cardiomyocytes

    Michelle C Ward, Nicholas E Banovich ... Yoav Gilad
    Cellular stress in a disease-relevant cell type uncovers novel genetic effects on gene expression, which is likely relevant for disease.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    A nuclease- and bisulfite-based strategy captures strand-specific R-loops genome-wide

    Phillip Wulfridge, Kavitha Sarma
    BisMapR reveals strand-specific R-loops with high resolution at small-scale genomic features including bidirectionally transcribed promoters and enhancers.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Neuroscience

    Intronic enhancer region governs transcript-specific Bdnf expression in rodent neurons

    Jürgen Tuvikene, Eli-Eelika Esvald ... Tõnis Timmusk
    An evolutionarily conserved neuron-specific and stimulus-dependent enhancer region downstream of the Bdnf exon III regulates the expression of Bdnf transcripts starting from the upstream 5' exons.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Developmental Biology

    Foxc1 establishes enhancer accessibility for craniofacial cartilage differentiation

    Pengfei Xu, Haoze V Yu ... J Gage Crump
    Foxc1 proteins prepare the genomes of neural crest-derived cells to facilitate their later development into the cartilages that support the embryonic face.