In the rain forests of Hainan, China, two species of squirrel create grooves on the surface of smooth nuts so that they can wedge them in the forks between branches.
Aditya Mahadevan, Michael T Pearce, Daniel S Fisher
Evolution of multiple closely related strains with host-pathogen-like interactions but only one niche and no tradeoffs, can give rise to a spatiotemporally chaotic ecological state that continually diversifies even with generalist mutations that slow the evolution.
Kimberly E Roche, Johannes R Bjork ... Elizabeth A Archie
In baboon gut microbiota, most pairwise correlations in bacterial abundances are weak and negative, and bacterial correlation patterns are largely shared across hosts, rather than personalized to each hosts.
Shiri Graff van Creveld, Sacha N Coesel ... E Virginia Armbrust
Diatoms encode two forms of flavodoxin with divergent functions that mitigate the oxidative stress and iron requirements associated with life in contemporary oxygenated iron-poor oceans.
Metabolomic analyses indicate that diet generalism may stem from a neutral metabolic response to different chemistries, rather than from an accumulation of specific adaptations.
Observational field analyses demonstrate that within a species, variation in animal weapon size corresponds to individual differences in the costs and benefits of weaponry.
Natural temperature variation across an optimal reproductive range for wild flies (Drosophila melanogaster) modulates the impact of sexual conflict on female fitness via asymmetric effects on pre- and post-copulatory male harm mechanisms.