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Page 16 of 60
    1. Ecology

    Widespread variation in heat tolerance and symbiont load are associated with growth tradeoffs in the coral Acropora hyacinthus in Palau

    Brendan Cornwell, Katrina Armstrong ... Stephen R Palumbi
    Bleaching-resistant corals are widespread across Palau and concentrated in warmer regions, but this trait is associated with decreased growth which could lead to reduced fitness if it is the only priority of conservation efforts.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    The pro-regenerative effects of hyperIL6 in drug-induced liver injury are unexpectedly due to competitive inhibition of IL11 signaling

    Jinrui Dong, Sivakumar Viswanathan ... Stuart A Cook
    IL6ST (gp130) binding proteins, such as HyperIL6, promote liver regrowth in a STAT3-indpependent manner through competitive inhibition of anti-regenerative IL11 signaling.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Mesenchymal stromal cell aging impairs the self-organizing capacity of lung alveolar epithelial stem cells

    Diptiman Chanda, Mohammad Rehan ... Victor J Thannickal
    Lung stem cell niche aging is associated with altered bioenergetics, metabolic dysfunction, and senescence of mesenchymal stromal cells that restricts 3D organoid, or alveolosphere formation, potentially accounting for reduced regenerative capacity with aging.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Addressing shortfalls of laboratory HbA1c using a model that incorporates red cell lifespan

    Yongjin Xu, Richard M Bergenstal ... Ramzi A Ajjan
    The person-specific adjusted HbA1c addresses non-glycaemic variation in laboratory HbA1c due to red blood cell lifespan differences, potentially providing a better marker to predict diabetes complications and guide glycaemic management.
    1. Neuroscience

    Long-term stability of cortical ensembles

    Jesús Pérez-Ortega, Tzitzitlini Alejandre-García, Rafael Yuste
    Spontaneous and visually evoked neuronal ensembles in mouse visual cortex can last for weeks, potentially supporting the long-lasting representation of perceptions and memories.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cortical excitability signatures for the degree of sleepiness in human

    Chin-Hsuan Chia, Xin-Wei Tang ... Rui-Ping Hu
    Patterns of cortical excitability changes reflect the degree of sleepiness in humans.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Single-cell RNA analysis identifies pre-migratory neural crest cells expressing markers of differentiated derivatives

    Ezra Lencer, Rytis Prekeris, Kristin Bruk Artinger
    Pre-migratory and early migratory neural crest cells in zebrafish are transcriptionally diverse, with some cells expressing genes associated with differentiated derivatives while still in the neural tube.
    1. Neuroscience

    Spatially patterned excitatory neuron subtypes and projections of the claustrum

    Sarah R Erwin, Brianna N Bristow ... Mark S Cembrowski
    The claustrum comprises spatially patterned excitatory neuron subtypes with distinct molecular and projection properties.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    T cell stiffness is enhanced upon formation of immunological synapse

    Philipp Jung, Xiangda Zhou ... Bin Qu
    Upon activation of T cell receptors at the contact site, T cells were substantially stiffened at the cell body as well as at the lamellipodia, which is mediated by Ca2+.
    1. Neuroscience

    Conserved visual capacity of rats under red light

    Nader Nikbakht, Mathew E Diamond
    Psychometric measures reveal that, contrary to common assumption, rats have good visual form discrimination capacity under red and even far-red illumination.