Rachel A Johnston, Philippe Vullioud ... Jenny Tung
In cooperatively breeding Damaraland mole-rats, transitioning to 'queen' results in extensive gene regulatory and morphological remodeling, but also costs to skeletal integrity that scale with reproductive investment.
FOXM1 is co-expressed with its bidirectional gene partner RHNO1, and the two genes promote DNA repair, cell growth and survival, and chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer.
Asha Mary Joseph, Saheli Daw ... Anjana Badrinarayanan
Live-cell imaging shows that replication-independent specialized polymerase action is a consequence of lesion processing via NER and impacts cellular survival under stress outside replicative phases of the cell cycle.
Marissa M Gaskill, Tyler J Gibson ... Melissa M Harrison
Following fertilization, the pioneering transcription factors GAGA factor (GAF) and Zelda are independently required to reprogram the zygotic genome of Drosophila and activate the first wave of gene expression.
Thomas J Etheridge, Desiree Villahermosa ... Johanne M Murray
In vivo single-molecule imaging demonstrates that Smc5/6 chromatin association depends on ATP hydrolysis and dsDNA binding, requires Nse6 and is modulated by Brc1 after DNA damage.
Markus Terrey, Scott I Adamson ... Susan L Ackerman
Disruption of quality control pathways that function at distinct steps to mitigate errors in translation evoke similar cellular responses and pathologies.
Luke Stephen Tain, Robert Sehlke ... Linda Partridge
Multi-omic profiling of gene expression in response to reduced insulin/IGF-like-signalling reveals tissue-specific regulation of DNA damage and lysosomal mannosidase regulation of tissue homeostasis as pro-longevity responses.