Michaël Elbaz, Amalia Callado Perez ... Martin Deschenes
A predominant but less studied sensory pathway for both vibrissa self-motion and touch inputs is shown to broadcast broadly to brainstem regions involved in regulation of autonomic functions as well as forebrain regions involved in expression of emotional reactions.
Saige Rutherford, Charlotte Fraza ... Andre F Marquand
During an individual's lifetime, their brain undergoes a unique transformation that we have precisely mapped across thousands of people to create and share reference growth charts of the human brain's lifespan which allow for single subject exploration and inference.
An in silico analysis of gap junction proteins supports the hypothesis that connexins replaced the primordial innexins in chordate gap junctions due to an evolutionary bottleneck.
James A Timmons, Andrew Anighoro ... Stuart M Phillips
Optimising the use of transcriptomics enables screening of thousands of compounds and illustrates an approach that yields quantitative pharmacology at the single-gene and pathway level.
Catherine Stark, Teanna Bautista-Leung ... Daniel Herschlag
Increased catalysis has been suggested to be an adaptive trait of enzymes to growth at lower temperature, but systematic analysis suggests that temperature exerts a weak selection pressure on enzyme rate enhancement, with observed variation arising from other evolutionary forces.
Tatsuya Sato, Jason Solomon Shapiro ... Hossein Ardehali
Aging is associated with mitochondrial and cytosolic iron accumulation in the brain, which is through increased local expression of hepcidin, and subsequent iron accumulation due to decreased iron export through ferroportin-1.
Erich R Eberts, Christopher G Guglielmo, Kenneth C Welch Jr
Ruby-throated hummingbirds switch from using torpor to survive nighttime energy emergencies in the breeding season to using it to spare fat stores and gain premigratory mass in the late summer.